Keeping the Momentum Going!
Value Added -- In Addition to the Presentation!
Weekly Video Series
Consider this scenario: An awesome and inspiring presentation just ended. The atmosphere was electric and you’re absolutely brimming with excitement about applying what you’ve learned. Then, once you arrive home, the energy starts to dissipate.
You arrive to work the next day, and now you’re unsure about the next steps to take. The familiar daily work grind starts with emails, phone calls and deadlines.
To keep what your attendees learned and developed from the session top of mind, John has developed a video series. Weekly, John will send a (1-2 minute) video reminder to all attendees highlighting the most important points from the session. The weekly series uses the outcomes from the presentation. The video series is an effective way to start each week and maximize the return of investment from those precious dollars spent on the presentation.
MP Resources
Each attendee will have free access to 3 eBooks by John Graci. The eBooks are as follows:
12 Nuggets of Wisdom – Delegation
9 Nuggets of Wisdom on Supporting a Team
10 Nuggets of Wisdom – The Top Qualities of a Leaders
Attendees also have free access to over 20 of John Graci’s leadership podcasts, Recognizing Leadership Blind spots.
Attendees also have free access to John's monthly newsletter and Lessons in Leadership emails.
Book Offer
For all attendees, the cost of John's most recent print book, Leaders Are MADE, Not Born! will be reduced from $12.95 to $8.95. Volume discounts can reduce cost even more!
The soft cover book, eBooks, podcasts and monthly newsletters will serve as wonderful resources to enhance your ROI dollars long after the presentation has ended.
"Practical advice coupled with humor and real-life experiences.”
-Schwartz Farms (Austin T.)